The following is information to join this mailing list:
Subscribe to VENT-USERS-LIST
The list program will only accept submission to the list from the email address you subscribe from. To subscribe, send email to, with the Subject subscribe. That's all that's needed. A digest, which sends a compiled message every 2 days instead of each separately, is available. To subscribe to the digest, send email to, with the Subject subscribe. That's all that's needed. You should receive a message confirming you have been added to the list or digest. If you do not receive a confirmation please re-subscribe.
Submissions to the list
To post to the list you must send it from the exact email address you subscribed with. That means that if you subscribed to the list with an email address that forwards your mail to another address, you will not be able to reply from the forwarded address. That's all that's needed. You should receive a message confirming you have been added to the list or digest. If you do not receive a confirmation please re-subscribe.
To write to the list, email should be sent to NOT the -request address.